Home Avaya Avaya Partner Solutions Avaya Partner Voicemail systems Partner Messaging Systems Avaya Partner Messaging 1.0 Voicemail (7068-100) | Avaya Partner Messaging 1.0 Voicemail (7068-100) |
Partner Messaging 1.0 Voicemail (7068-100)
- 200 Mailboxes with 6000 minutes (100 Hours) of storage. Configure up to 200 subscribers with 100 hours of storage Expandable from 2-Ports to 4 or 6-Ports. Expands easily from 2 to 4 or 6-Ports for future growth and optimal performance Easy Administration.
- Administer the Partner Messaging Module Release 1.0 through a phones system display telephone (Partner 18D, Partner 34D) or through your LAN using a Windows based PC and easy to use administration software Automated Attendant Service.
- Provides four Automated Attendants, each of which can answer different lines. You can create up to 99 announcements shared among all Automated Attendants.
- Caller can choose between two languages Submenu Service.
- Provides up to 99 submenus shared among all Automated Attendants for additional user selections Dial By Name Directory.
- Users can easily locate the extension of their party with a dial by name directory Call Answer Service.
- Prompts caller to leave a message or transfer to another extension or transfer to a personal operator when the called party does not answer.
- Service allows subscribers to listen to messages, delete messages, record a personal greeting, change their password, forward messages with comment to other mailboxes, set up outcalling to a list of pager and telephone numbers, listen to a caller leaving a message, create and send messages, create personal distribution lists, adjust playback volume while listening to messages, specify a personal operator, record a call, and specify messages as Priority, Private, or Return Request Mailbox Management Made Simple.
- Easily manage and administer your mailbox directly through a LAN connection and your PC's internet browser using it's www.messenger software Night Service.
- Provides after-hours service in addition to daytime service
- Partner plus R3.1 or higher
Partner II R3.1 or higher
- Partner Endeavor all releases
- Partner ACS all releases
- **Upgradable to Messaging 7.0 with upgrade flash card
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