Home Nortel Norstar Solutions Norstar Voicemail Solutions Norstar Callpilot voice messaging Messaging 100 & 150 (Call Pilot) Norstar callpilot 100 4 ports X 26 mailboxes ( NTAB9866 ) | Norstar callpilot 100 4 ports X 26 mailboxes ( NTAB9866 ) |

Sale Price New: $625
Nortel Callpilot 100 Voicemail R3.1 configured with 26 mailboxes
Messaging 100 is a state-of-the art messaging system for small to mid-sized businesses, with 10-40 mailbox users. Messaging 100 is equipped with a built-in 10/100 Ethernet port, allowing connection to the LAN for advanced applications, including Auto Attendant, Customer Call Routing (CCR), Voice Mail, VPIM/AMIS Networking, Basic Call Center (Key-code activation), Web-based management, and IP connectivity.
Key Features:
- Web-based administration interface.
Embedded applications activated with a simple key code.
- Advanced features, such as Auto Attendant, Voice
- Messaging, Custom Call Routing (CCR), and Basic Call Center.
- Pay for additional mailboxes and applications as the business grows.
Supported PBX releases
The following Nortel Norstar PBXs are supported:
- Norstar KSU CICS 4.1
- Norstar KSU MICS 4.1 and 5.0 or higher
- Norstar KSU 3x8
Norstar Centrex KSU is not supported, nor are legacy KSUs such as 6x16 and 8x24
Part Numbers:
- NTPW0116
- NTAB9866-cp100-10mb
- NTAB9866E cp100-40mb
- NTPW0115
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