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Home Nortel Norstar Solutions Norstar Modular ICS Solutions Norstar Modular ICS Software and Key Codes Norstar MICS 7.0 Software
Norstar MICS 7.0 Software
Norstar MICS 7.0 Software
Norstar MICS 7.0 Software



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Sale Price:$455.00


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All norstar phones are compatible with MICS 7.0 software. Enhanced ATA2 is the ONLY ATA compatible with MICS 6.1 and later software. All NRU's, Fast RAD, VMI and CTA's are compatible with MICS 6.1 and later software. SMDR6 is compatible with MICS 6.1 and later software. Nams are NOT COMPATIBLE with 7.0 Software. The MCDN networking key code is compatible with 6.1 and later software which will enable you to network and share a voicemail and 2 MICS systems. One key code required on each end
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