Home Avaya Definity Circuit Cards TN2181 – UN330B Avaya Definity TN2182 Tone Clock (TN2182) | Avaya Definity TN2182 Tone Clock (TN2182) | Definity TN-2182
- Integrates the tone generator, tone detection, system clock, and synchronization functions onto one circuit pack for use in standard, high, and critical reliability systems
- Supports 8 ports for tone detection and allows gain or loss to be applied to Pulse Code Modulated (PCM) signals received form the bus
- Provides Stratum 4 enhanced clock accuracy
- Supports MFC signaling and places single tone on any of the 256 time slots of the system's Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) bus
- Provides continuous, cadenced, and mixed tones
- Allows administratable setting of tone frequency and level
- Detects 2025 Hz, 2100 Hz, 2225 Hz modem answerback tones, and provides normal and wide broadband dial tone detection
Definity TN 2182 Tone Clock
Integrates the tone generator, tone detection, system clock, and synchronization functions onto one circuit pack for use in standard, high, and critical reliability systems. Supports 8 ports for tone detection and allows gain or loss to be applied to Pulse Code Modulated (PCM) signals received form the bus Provides Stratum 4 enhanced clock accuracy Supports MFC signaling and places single tone on any of the 256 time slots of the system s Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) bus Provides continuous, cadenced, and mixed tones Allows administratable setting of tone frequency and level Detects 2025 Hz, 2100 Hz, 2225 Hz modem answerback tones, and provides normal and wide broadband dial tone detection
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